Friday, January 27, 2017

Let's be real.


This is something very sensitive for me to talk about. It has never been an easy subject. I struggle with sharing my thoughts and feelings, my doubts and fear, because I just do not want to be judge, especially judged as a mother. Stepping into motherhood was a very challenging change for me. Physically and mentally. I had moments of weakness where I felt broken and alone, trapped in my own head, questioning my ability and inability to parent. Or if I even really liked it at all.

You have to love parenting, you have to love being a mother, you have to love every minute with your child. That is the expectation, so you nod, and you agree, and you tell yourself and others how amazing motherhood is, but...

Lets be real. Motherhood is hard.

For awhile, I did not speak about it, I did not know how to explain it, unable to pinpoint exactly what made me sad or why I was sad. I just felt sad. But that was not the honest truth, I was sad because I felt judged for the fear of being a bad mother, for not knowing what I was doing, for not wanting to be with my child all the time, for wanting to have my own life sometimes. It was guilt, it was doubt, and any comment that were said made me weak inside. For awhile, I thought the world around me was judging me and I had to prove them wrong. I thought I was fighting a battle against others, but really, that whole time I was fighting a battle against myself. All those fears, thoughts, judgements.. they were my very own.

It wasn't until I said it out loud and shared how I felt that I made it all so real. I talked about having these pockets of sadness and sometimes feeling like I was in a very dark place, one that made me want to just disappear and retract from the world. It was after I talked about it that I felt normal. I was reassured that it was normal to feel this way. To question myself, to question the change, and to even question motherhood. It is life changing. You are not only bringing a new life into the world, you are responsible for this being, and still responsible for you own self. You have to alter your whole routine and your needs and wants. It all changes the moment you bring this baby home, and although you knew this was going to happen, you are not mentally prepared for it.

So yes, motherhood is hard, especially in the first year, BUT it gets better. It is now a part of my identity, it is who I am and who I love to be. I still have moments of weakness, I am sure we all do, but now I know, it is normal. So for all those moms out there who may feel like this, talk about it. Talking about it gave me comfort in knowing that I was not alone.  It has made me a stronger person, mentally and emotionally. It has changed my outlook in life, my attitude about others' remarks or comments, whether they meant it or not, it does not affect me (as much) because I am more confident as a mother, the mother that I am, not the mother I thought I was expected to be.

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